Filter any backend and Object data
Smart Filters
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Smart Filters
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Process and filter data, stored on the platform, to make it available anywhere via hashtags mechanism.
Data sets that can be filtered
How to refer to filtered results
Where to reference Filtered data
Find filters in Constructor → Backend or Constructor → Objects:
Go to Filters: Backend or Constructor → Objects
Create new Filter: click ADD FILTER in the top left corner, then click Create New Filter.
Select the value to be compared. Possible options:
Action name of the Event
Key of the Event
Object property, such as: Phone, Email, Login date.
Select the comparison criteria. Possible options:
Equal ( = ) - strict match.
Not equal ( <> )
Doesn't contain
Is Set - checks if the field specified is NOT empty
Is Not Set - checks if the field specified is empty
Select the comparison value. Possible options:
String from the dropdown
Any text typed in manually
Each Filter works with Events and Objects simultaneously. For example: if the filter counts how many clicks were made on the particular button in Events, the same filter will show how many people clicked the button in Objects section.
Set up for Object filter that calculates the average age of people with email:
2. Set up for Event filter that calculates the number of clicks on the button with the BackendName "updatePhone" within last 7 days:
Filter can contain either AND or OR condition. In order to have OR + AND conditions use hashtags within new filter.
Example: we created the filter that will display everyone with email on Mobsted OR Outlook domain, and who has US phone number.
First filter will contain the required Email condition, we will name it as Email.
2. Second filter will contain the required phone condition merged (AND operator) with the Email filter above.
Aggregation methods applicable for filter:
It is possible to display filter results to app user by using Hashtags.
Note: for more detailed information on the set up, please, check Use automatic data filters article. You can also check how it is set up in Demo App in your acсount, screen - 8 Filters Count.
Iterating through filter records: We use Hashtags functionality combined with loops to go through each record. How to set it up:
Enable loop on the element you want to iterate
Use your filter data as data source. In our case it is #ObjectsFilter:AgeEmail:Data#
Name the loop. In our case it is AgeEmailLoop
Note: for more detailed information on the set up, please, check Apply loops to screen elements article. You can also check how it is set up in Demo App in your account, screen - 9 Filters Iterate.
in HTML Elements
in creation hashtag as value
To define
Set up a time period the filter will be applied on. Time period can be fixed between dates specified, or dynamic - older than 2 days / younger than 3 weeks. Can be used with OR or AND conditions, but not combined.
Click on the filter to see all the data applicable to it. To see all the data click again on the filter to unselect it.
To hide / show the same filter in Objects and Backend section click ADD FILTER and select checkbox for the corresponding column.
Showing filter counts: We use Hashtags to refer to Object's filer "Age" and show the Count of matching records. #ObjectsFilter:Age:Count#.
Reference the loop and call the properties of the Object that you want to display, in our case it is Name ( #Loop:AgeEmailLoop:objects@Name# ) and Age ( #Loop:AgeEmailLoop:objects@Age#).Mobile View: